My sister Shelly Wess
Detectives claim that during their investigation they spoke
with one of my sisters Shelly, and that she described me as a “nightsalker” and a
"lunatic", while making comparisons to my brother. Oddly there are no written
statements made by Shelly, and no video or audio taped interviews documenting
her alleged statements.
Under oath during a deposition, Shelly stated that she never
made these comments to police and that they made it up.
This is another example of detectives making statements that
are completely unsupported by the record or witness statements. It is unfortunate
that Dateline failed to investigate this claim made by Detective Billy Carlyle
before airing such unsubstantiated allegations.
My brother Patrick Denney
Many comparisons have been made between the murder my
brother committed in 1990 and the murder of Corey Parker which I have been
wrongfully convicted of. Any connection between the two is nothing more than
wild speculation concocted by Detective Billy Carlyle and the prosecution. This
is type of innuendo one would expect to see on Entertainment Tonight or read in
the National Enquirer.
To set the record straight, I had just turned 9 years old
when my brother was arrested for murder. His crime was terrible and horrendous.
It took an innocent life and devastated my family. I was shielded from specifics
of his crime, of which I still know very little of. Our age difference acted as
a huge barrier.
My brother never spoke to me about, or confessed the murder
he committed to me. I haven't spoken to him since the day he was arrested 26
years ago, and wouldn’t recognize him. After my arrest we did exchange a few
letters but they were awkward and we have stopped communicating all together.
Sadly, people are stabbed to death all the time in America.
Any similarities between the two crimes is an unfortunate coincidence, and not
some horror movie plot of two brothers competing to commit brutal murders.
The fact that my brother is a killer does not make me a
murderer. Since when do we convict people based on a crime their relative
committed? Leave the ridiculous comparisons to the novel writers and quit
persecuting me for my brothers’ crime.
This comparison was so outrageous and irrelevant that the
trial judge prevented any mention of my brother during trial. Even the prosecutor
admitted that such testimony was inadmissible.
***Next Post; Providing a voluntary DNA sample